Check Out The CSC Burgee Collection

Our Vice Commodore, Anderson Jones, has been working since late last year to clean up the burgee display in the CSC clubhouse. He has fought spiders and rats to take down and clean the burgees that have hung there for the last 15 or 20 years. In addition, he has collected additional burgees from traveling club member and visitors and burgees exchanges with other clubs. Anderson is amassing quite a collection. We currently have burgees from 24 clubs in Texas, 4 from collage sailing programs, 52 from clubs in other states and 9 from clubs in other countries.

Burgees will be added to the collection, displayed at the club and added to the Flickr page as they are received. You can help us add to the club's burgee collection. One of the ways we get others club's burgees is by exchanging burgees. If you are traveling to an out of town regatta or plan to visit a sailing club on your travels, ask Anderson for a CSC burgee to take with you to use in an exchange. You may be the next to bring home a new burgee for the collection.

Anderson is photographing and cataloging the collection. Most of the burgees from clubs outside Texas have been photographed and can now be seen on CSC Flickr page. Here is a list of burgees that we currently have. Anderson is finishing up preparing photos and info on in-state clubs which will be added shortly to the Flickr page soon.

Stay tuned for updates.

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