CSC Annual Business Meeting Summary

CSC Annual Business Meeting Highlights
Winfrey Point – Dallas, Texas
January 19, 2022

 At its annual business meeting the Corinthian Sailing Club,

  • Honored Jim Stillson of the Snipe Fleet 001 with the Norman B. Watkins Award. During 2021, Jim gave countless hours to coaching new sailors and preparing them to enjoy the sport of sailing. As a result of the Snipe Fleet’s outreach program, the number of participants in the fleet’s activities has more than doubled. Well done, Jim!

  • Honored Rob Drechsler with the Ed Lockey Memorial Old Salts Trophy. Over the years (and years), Rob has been a consistent competitor on the racecourse, developed skills for boat maintenance and repair, and developed that salty veneer and candor that we like to call “crusty.” CSC is proud to call Rob one of her own.
  • Amended its bylaws regarding the board pad spaces including responsibility for recording who is leasing the space, transfer of the space, and standards for maintaining boats in that space. Additionally, it was clarified that people who use the Club facilities regularly shall become Club members.

  • Elected a slate of people to serve on the Board of Directors
    • Commodore - Renee Comen
    • Vice Commodore of Race - Griffin Orr
    • Membership - Tom Hoolan
    • Treasurer - Eric Reisdorf
    • Pier - Graham Bryant
    • Equipment - Tom Miller
    • Registrar of Davits and Board Boat Pads - Jody Smith
    • Sailing Education - Ellen Bryant & Heidi Gough
    • Entertainment - Joyce Roth
    • Information Technology - George Szaboky
    • Secretary - Burt Gilson
    • Past Commodore - Mark Mihm

The incoming Commodore, Renee Comen, presented the outgoing Commodore, Mark Mihm, with a framed CSC burgee and thanked him for his leadership and many contributions to the club.
Looking forward, Renee pledged to form two committees with representation from all the fleets:

  • Membership Committee – to make recommendations to the board regarding when a person needs to join the club.  They shall take into consideration balancing fleet/club growth while maintaining the integrity and value of membership at CSC.
  • Infrastructure Committee – to get fleet input on the needs for docks, davits, board pad space so that dollars spent on construction are put to the best use.


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