Good News - Club Opens to More Activities!

Dear CSC Family,

It is with great joy that I share with you some very good news – that the Dallas Park and Recreation Board approved our proposals to open up our club even more, and specifically our racing/recreational sailing and our sailing education programs – for both juniors and adults!    These new rules take effect immediately.  As we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to social distance, wear face masks around others, and wash and sanitize hands frequently.  We will open up even further when the timing is right.

Ellen Bryant and Greta Mittman have details on our youth sailing camp, which will commence Monday, June 8th.  Tom Miller has details on our adult sailing program, which commences Thursday, June 4th. 

Here is what you need to know as we open up the club to resume racing and to expand what we can do for recreational sailing.


  • Members must wear face masks when on the docks and when within 6 feet of others if one of the members does not live in the same household.
  • Members must wear face makes when on a boat if there are people on the boat not living in the same household.
  • There should be no more than 2 people at once in the bathroom.
  • Members are instructed not to come to the club for any reason if they exhibit any of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish or measured a temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit, or known to have been in contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19.   They should not return to the club until they are symptom-free for at least 3 days.


  • Members will be permitted to sail single-handed boats (as they currently can do).
  • Members will be permitted to sail boats with 2 people on board under the following conditions:
    • If those people live in the same household (in which case, the boat can have more than 2 on board).
    • If not in the same household, sailors will be required to wear gloves and face masks, and to each have a personal container of hand sanitizer.  They should also separate themselves from one another as much as reasonably possible.
  • Sailors should social distance as much as possible while rigging and derigging.

Race Committee (Our Vice Commodore – Race, Anderson Jones, will oversee this process and will have more details)

  • The driver of a RC boat will wipe down or spray the boat with disinfectant, provided by CSC. 
  • The driver and other passenger of an RC boat will coordinate getting boats ready so as not to touch the same surfaces, e.g., gas, flags, radios, horns, scoresheets, pens, to social distance as much as possible on the boat.  Each person on the boat will wipe down or disinfect all such items that person will use for RC duty.  Each person will have their specific functions to perform so that only that person touches the items needed to perform those functions.
  • Each person on an RC boat shall bring their own container of hand sanitizer.

Welcome back and see you on the lake!

Steve Benenson
CSC Commodore

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