Proposed CSC By-Law Changes

Dear CSC Members,

The CSC Board is proposing the following 2 amendments to the Club’s By-Laws.  They will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting to be held in January – time and place still to be determined and announced soon.  Per Article VIII, Section 1 of the By-Laws, they need to be approved by two-thirds vote of the regular members present at the meeting in which the vote is held.  Changes in italics. If you have any questions or concerns about them, please let me know ahead of the meeting.

See you at the lake,
Steve Benenson
CSC Commodore



I.  Recommended language to address fleet ownership of davits


            (a) No davit shall be owned outright by a person who is not a regular member of the club or an established fleet recognized by the Board of Directors (see section m).  A davit owner shall not rent, loan, or otherwise make available the davit to an individual who is not a regular member in good standing of the club, except on a singular occasion.
            (b) A davit owner shall not rent, loan, or otherwise make available the davit for an extended period of time (no more than 60 days) without written notification to the Registrar of Davits.
            (c) If a non-member or student member or associate member acquires a davit contrary to the restriction on ownership specified in sub-section (a) and (b) above, the Board of Directors may at its discretion provide such non-member or student member or associate member the opportunity for Club membership in accordance with Sections 1 through 5 of Article II of these by-laws.
            (d) If such non-member or student member or associate member fails to file an application for membership within 30 days after notification of the club, or if the person’s application for membership is not approved, the Board of Directors shall initiate actions for the sale of the davit in accordance with Section 10 of Article II of the by-laws specifying the procedure for the sale of davits by members who cease to be members through resignation or expulsion.
           (e) A single membership
or fleet shall not own, rent, or otherwise have possession and use of more than two (2) davits.
           Limitations to boats stored in davits and davit construction standards shall be established by the board of directors and outlined in the document “Current Standards for Davits”.
          (g) Keel boats shall be stored only in davits built to the Keel Boat Davit specification outlined in the “Current Standards for Davits” document and located in specific Keel Boat Davit areas specified by the board of directors.
          (h)  Deleted. 
           (i) Storage of private gas or other hazardous materials on club property shall be prohibited.
          (j) Privately owned equipment shall not be stored in common areas of the club for longer than 24 hours without the consent of the Rear Commodore of Piers.   
           (k) Privately
or fleet owned equipment shall cause no damage to club, or other members, property. 
          (l) The finger pier between davits on the hoist wheel side, along with the davit itself, are the responsibility and liability of the davit owner.

         (m) Fleet owned davits must be used and maintained by the fleet in accordance with the standards set by the bylaws. The fleet captain will be considered the responsible party for the davit.  If the fleet chooses to sell its davit(s) it must do so in accordance with the bylaws and may retain the proceeds. In the event that the fleet dissolves, splinters, does not maintain the davit, or is no longer recognized as an established fleet by the Board, ownership of the davit(s) will revert to the Club and will be sold to members on the priority list or by auction in accordance with the bylaws and the Club will retain the proceeds. 


II. Recommended language to establish an audit committee to audit financials


The provisions of this Article VI relate only to the committees that are not to exercise Board powers.  See Section 8 of Article IV for provisions as to committees of the Board of Directors.  Standing
committees shall include the following: Race, Membership, Pier, Entertainment, Junior Sailing, Equipment, Information Technology, Sailing Education and Audit.


The members and chair of the Audit Committee shall be nominated by the Commodore and approved by the Board of Directors.  The Committee shall consist of three members of the club, none of whom are signers on the bank accounts. The Audit Committee will audit the financial records on an annual basis and present a report to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee shall be appointed at the November board meeting and present their report by the following March board meeting.


All committees not specifically herein mentioned shall be created and appointed by the Commodore, who shall define the duties and prescribe their powers.  

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