Dallas Blowout RC Regatta 2020

Race Result Date

The 20th edition of the Blowout was held March 7, 8, and 9 at CSC.  A total of 36 skippers sailed their DF95 radio sailboats in conditions that were often on the edge of the top of the largest rig.  When rigged properly, these boats are the only craft on the lake, besides Lasers(!), that can sail when it’s blowing 40+.

Thirty six competitors from seven states (WA, FL, WI, AZ, CA, MI, and TX)enjoyed two full days of racing and some great food!  People love coming to this event because the second floor lookout provides a commanding view, and, well, the food!!  Chuck LeMahieu goes all out to make this a great event.

The best part is that the person who came in last in 2019, CSC member Pete Vickers, won this year’s event!!  Pete has spent a lot of time practicing, tuning and studying boats.  He has also been a sponge learning about rules and tuning, and when push came to shove, he delivered in spades!

Pete does not come from a sailing background, and only started sailing in January 2019.  But he really put in the time, and prevailed over a pretty deep field.  He stayed out of trouble, had speed, and stayed frosty.  Congratulations, Pete!!

Top Five of 36:

Pete Vickers                       CSC
Tony Gonsalves                 Florida
Jerry Brower                      Washington
Brig North                          CSC
Ray Seta                           San Antonio, TX

Our local group sails on Saturdays from 11 AM to 2 PM.  Drop by and sample the boats.  We always share tuning to get people up to speed.

They’re fun and a great compliment to sailing “people” boats.  Where a “people” boat might do well to get in two or three races per day, with radio boats up to 20 races can be held in a day, which really puts a premium on tactics and rules!  Come join us.