Contact Us

This page provides email forms to contact club officers, fleet representatives and representatives for other club activities. If you are not sure who to contact, use the General Information request. When you submit a contact form, you will receive an email copy for your records.

CSC Officers

Vice Commodore Race
Past Commodore
Rear Commodore Membership
Rear Commodore Pier
Rear Commodore Entertainment
Rear Commodore  Equipment
Rear Commodore Information Technology
Rear Commodore Sailing Education
Davit Registrar

Fleet Contacts

Butterfly Fleet - Paul Miller
Corinthian Fleet - Mark Mihm
Flying Scot Fleet - Heidi Gough
Laser Fleet - Griffin Orr
Snipe Fleet - John Beall

Other Contacts

General Information 
Reserve Club Facilities - Commodore
Adult Education - Stephen Stein
Junior Education - Stephen Tzhone
Women on Water - Stephen Stein
Special Olympics - Roland Foerster
Texas Sailing Association -
White Rock Boat Club - Commodore
Webmaster - George Szaboky, Mike Hughes
Wild Apricot - George Szaboky, Mike Hughes
Mail Chimp - George Szaboky, Mike Hughes

Corinthian Sailing Club

Club Address
441 E Lawther Drive
Dallas, Texas 

Mailing Address
Corinthian Sailing Club
PO Box 180087
Dallas, Texas 75218

Phone At Club